Sports & Hobbies
- Artificial Grass & Sports Flooring 0
- Bikes 18
- Camping & Hiking 0
- Fishing Gear 130
- Fitness & Body Building 2
- Gambling 0
- Golf 0
- Gym Equipment 6
- Indoor Sports 5
- Musical Instruments 20
- Other Sports & Entertainment Products 1
- Outdoor Sports 7
- Sports Gloves 18
- Sports Safety 2
- Sports Souvenirs 1
- Swimming & Diving 0
- Team Kits and Jerseys 43
- Team Sports 0
- Water Sports 0
Sport and hobby supplies at wholesale prices in Africa
Looking for a one-stop shop for all your sport and hobby supplies? Look no further than Wigmore Wholesale! We carry everything you need to get active or creative, including bikes, camping gear, paints and canvases, and more. Plus, our prices are unbeatable! Come see us today and stock up on all the gear you need to have some fun.