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  • Buy Wholesale in Nigeria from Bioway

    Buy wholesale and commercial products from Bioway in Africa from Wigmore Wholesale.

    2 Products

Collection 2 Products

Uriflow x 30

Uriflow - is new strong formula for urolithiasis&n

Shipping From: Turkey


D-way Vitamin D3 400 ıu spray x 60

Vitamin D3 for children & Adults spray 30 ml&n

Shipping From: Turkey


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As a Bioway pharmaceutical company, since 2005 we have been developing, manufacturing cosmetics to international standards and serving local and global consumers.We get inspiration from nature to develop products for human health, we work with awareness and responsibility to bring our product to the end consumer, we continue to search for new long-term projects.We are expanding our product line in this direction, trusting the quality, ingredients and benefits of our products.We continue to work to Support Your Health in more than 20 countries and also within Turkey.