Buy Wholesale in Nigeria from Hypolux Limited
Buy wholesale and commercial products from Hypolux Limited in Africa from Wigmore Wholesale.
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Buy wholesale and commercial products from Hypolux Limited in Africa from Wigmore Wholesale.
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Hypolux Limited is an engineering firm, providing highly competitive, faster and professionalengineering services and consultations. Hypolux Limited is a registered company under theCompany and Allied Matter Act 1990 (as amended). We provide materials consultation, designand fabrication of modular structures, machines design, machine importation and installations,haulages services, green energy solution, and general engineering contractor. We meet businesschallenges innovatively and pride in our ears on the ground; thus, responding proactively to ourcustomers' problems in current volatile markets.Hypolux Limited is managed by professional engineers with many years of experience inconsultations, design, fabrication, installation of green energy and many more. Our passion is toteam up with our customers in providing solutions which helps us to deliver on quality andsatisfactory products achieved with the backup of dedicated staff. Our comprehensive approachto design solutions by involving all categories of consultants – electrical engineers, mechanicalservices engineers, structural engineers etc is considered an imperative to effective projectdelivery.We are the first point of called when it comes to materials consultations, HYPOLUX LIMITEDhas become a household name in the fabrication industry, construction of portacabins, fabricationof industrial machines, the indigenous leading supplier of petroleum products to the middlemen,bridging the gap between demand and supply, providing efficient energy solution (solar energy)and general merchant.Our success is as a result of our professional and technical capabilities and to our team of highlycommitted, skilled and trained staff. In addition, we have strong support of our supplier andmanufacturers from Nigeria and beyond who give us access to the wealth of knowledge andproducts. We guarantee quality products and provide the best support available in the market.