Blue Label: The Price of a Blue Label in Nigeria

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Blue Label: The Price of a Blue Label in Nigeria

Nigerians distributors are always looking for the best prices on Blue Label. They want to know how much they cost in Nigeria and if there is a difference between the local price and international price of Blue Label.

International prices may be higher because of transportation costs, but usually not by more than $1 USD per bottle. The average Nigerian pays about N200 (Nigerian Naira) or about US$2 for one liter of Blue Label at an import store like Jumia or Konga, which is less than half the international price!

The import stores offer a great opportunity to save money while also helping support Nigerians businesses by buying from them instead of outside companies that don't have any ties to Nigerians people

What is Blue Label?

What is Blue Label and why is it important? It is produced by Heineken's African licensee, Diageo. The brand sells 5.5 billion bottles a year to Africans!

It is the best selling beer in Nigeria and Africa. It is second only to Heineken as the best selling beer in Europe.

Blue Label is popularly enjoyed in Nigeria because of its name.

Why is it so expensive?

Blue Label is made in Nigeria because of tax benefits and grants given to breweries by the Nigerian government. The government decided that the tax benefits and grants would be more effective in Africa than in Europe, to promote production of drinks like Blue Label. So, the tax benefits and grants are given to the European makers of Blue Label rather than African breweries.

Where can you find Blue Label in Nigeria

In Nigeria, Blue Label is popular but they have a variety of brands of Blue Label.

First Choice is the biggest of the five brands with the highest volume. It was formed in 1994 when CFC Leasing bought Alkali Liquor and moved it to Aba in Abia State. First Choice is owned by Coolest Bottling Company Nigeria Limited, which was established in 2005.

In the last few years, First Choice has developed strong connections with local craft beverage makers in Nigeria. It has released many specialty products under this brand, including as much of the beverages as possible made locally in Nigeria using local ingredients.

With First Choice, it is possible to find many Blue Label special edition products with interesting flavours and unique ingredients.

How much does a blue label cost in Nigeria?

The bottle will cost you about $3 to US$4 dollars. That's more expensive than US$2 in the US.

This means that if you're looking to buy a Blue Label bottle for about the same amount in the US, you'd actually have to pay about $30 (in Nigeria or the US) instead of about $12. This doesn't include shipping.

The good news is that this difference is mostly due to transportation costs. A bottle can easily cost less than US$2.

Most of the time, the difference in price is in the neighborhood of $2 to $3.

How much does Blue Label cost in other countries?

If you want a similar experience for less money, you can get a similar product called “Freedom”. It is a slightly lower proof version of Blue Label.

These two brands are owned by Seven Up Bottling Group.

How much does a blue label cost outside of Nigeria?

Because Blue Label is a popular brand, international brands may charge more for the same product, but by how much varies with the market and the location.

Consumers who shop online from Singapore, USA or Dubai often find Blue Label is significantly more expensive in these countries than it is in Nigeria.

A 2013 online survey by social enterprise company, Jumia indicated that Blue Label's price to consumers in Africa was N5 per bottle. This price is clearly much lower than the N200 we paid for the same bottle in Nigeria.

Do you have a price difference in Nigeria?

We just found out that the price of Blue Label from the import store, Jumia and Konga is cheaper than the same bottle of Blue Label that we found on Amazon in Nigeria.

We all know the saying, "everything is relative".


Due to the African culture of respect for elders, I recommend that if you order it, make sure you put the phrase "where is the senior?" before sending the drink over. This shows respect for the elders in your life and ensures that they get the Blue Label at an affordable price. Also, only order Blue Label when you are at a significant milestone like getting married or having a baby.

When I have asked why some people are not getting married or having children, most people said that they didn't have a wedding dress or the money to buy a present for a baby shower. Another said that he or she just didn't have the money to travel home for a wedding or to buy a gift for a baby shower.


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